Yasemin Antakyalıoğlu

Of Counsel


Yasemin Antakyalıoğlu, specialized in penal law and internal investigations, offers attorneyship and consultancy services to local and internation clients in the area of economic and commercial crimes. Within this context, she represents clients in claimant, defendant and suspect status in penal lawsuits and investigations.

Yasemin Antakyalıoğlu did 2 months of her legal internship in Frankfurt within Intern Exchange programme after which she began working with one of the most prominent penal law professors in Istanbul. She continued her career as an attorney in the penal law department in the Istanbul Office of an international law firm. She works as an independant attorney since 2016.

Yasemin Antakyalıoğlu is a registered attorney in Istanbul Bar Association since 2006.


- Marmara University Law Faculty


- English
- German

Areas of Expertise

- Criminal Law
- White Collar Crime & Compliance